Graphic Solutions Diviner
"If it can be conceived, I can create it." or "If I can't fix it. It wasn't broken."
I create my art digitally today, and with over 35,000 hours of expert professional work in the Adobe CC suite. Some say I'm pretty good. With a background in engineering, I have an extremely large tool box of deep knowledge to draw on, and I love to draw whenever I can.
As was the case recently, when after a year and thousands spent, no one could find a way to make 60 of these beautiful DNA crystal trophies. (right) I'll happily share with you how I did.

My name is Rich Palmer, and these are the kinds of words of wisdom my grandparents would to say.
I had a unique childhood. Raised by both pairs of grandparents living only doors apart. Both WWII vets.
One grandfather owned a Machine Shop. The other a Cabinet & Shutter Shop in Newport Beach. Both also near each other, and both true artists in their trade. My father's mother, who I primarily lived with owned an Art's & Crafts Shop. I learned young to fear no machine, and curiosity was encouraged.
I built my first V8 by 11, and and by 18, a two story addition with my grandfathers. Art came naturally to me, and by 24 I had my own graphics & printing company.
Much like a ghost writer, or studio musician I routinely work under NDA.
In accordance with my agreements some of my work can only be
viewed if I have given you the password.
For those looking to hire please contact me for the password.
Any job worth doing is worth doing right.
Grampa Kenny
Trust is earned by what you do.
Not by what you say.
Poppa John
Never make a promise you can't keep.
It makes you look untrustworthy.
Grandma Ethel
"Can't Never did "Nut’n”
Grampa Kenny
Unmute for sound. "I can only imagine" video production by Rich Palmer
Quality never goes out of style.
Richard (Dick) Miller