When I was twelve my grandfather Palmer introduced me to Lt. Raymond Noble Estey. A Photo-Journalist who documented the dawn of flight for newspapers, magazines, and the Smithsonian. He later became one of the world's first 'Aeronauts' himself. When war broke out in Europe he left the U.S. for France to join the war in the brand new and dangerous position as a Photo-Reconnaissance Pilot.
The camera my grandfather gave me when I was 12.
Later that day at a garage sale down the street my grandfather bought me my first camera pictured above left. Ray loved to tell his stories, and for three years I loved to listen. It was his love of photography that led to his love of flying, that led to a life full of adventure. In 2019 my friend Ray was inducted in the Road Island Aviation Hall of fame. As the person he entrusted with his personal papers, diaries, and photos dating back to 19011, it is my honor to have provided his massive collection to the Road Island Museum of Aviation for Ray's exhibit.
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